Please ensure that suitable parking provisions are made for our removal vehicle(s). This may have to be done by contacting your local council and possibly the local police, maybe by placing traffic cones and / or by placing your vehicle(s) in the parking space until the removal vehicle(s) arrive.
Inform Knightmovers of any internal or external difficulties that may be encountered during your removal that may require special consideration. Good access to and from the doorway of your home is essential for our staff. Please explain to your neighbours in advance that a removal vehicle will be parked outside your home and may possibly cause some degree of inconvenience to them for a few hours. We also ask that you ensure passageways and staircases are left completely clear for our moving team.
Curtains, Blinds & Items Fixed to Walls
If you do not have wardrobes yet at your new address, empty the contents of drawers into boxes. Also take clothes out of your wardrobe and place them into liners or boxes unless Knightmovers are carrying out a packing service. Knightmovers supply wardrobe boxes with rails, enabling a quick, effortless transfer to your wardrobes at your new property. These boxes can be delivered to your house at your request or brought on the day of the the removal and then removed on completion of your move.
Clothes & Wardrobe Contents
If you do not have wardrobes yet at your new address, empty the contents of drawers into boxes. Also take clothes out of your wardrobe and place them into liners or boxes unless Knightmovers are carrying out a packing service. Knightmovers supply wardrobe boxes with rails, enabling a quick, effortless transfer to your wardrobes at your new property. These boxes can be delivered to your house at your request or brought on the day of the the removal and then removed on completion of your move.
If carpets are to be removed they should be loosened prior to the removal team arriving unless we have been contracted to carry out this work, as this will allow the removal to be carried out with as little delay as possible.
Self Assembly Furniture
The dismantling of self assembly furniture should be carried out prior to removal day unless Knightmovers have quoted for this work.
Fridges, Freezers, Cookers, Washing Machines etc
Prior to the removal team arriving, these items should be disconnected. Washing machines and other appliances with transport bolts should be secured. Appropriate brackets are obtainable from local agents authorised by the manufacturer. Fridges and freezers should be washed out with a strong solution of bicarbonate of soda and hot water to avoid unpleasant odours. Detergent is not recommended. This is vital if they are to go into storage.
Our moving team are strictly forbidden to tamper with any mains supply or gas supply.
TV’s, freeview boxes, video and dvd players, computers and computer equipment, audio equipment etc
Any electrical equipment such as TV, video, hi-fi, PC’s should be placed in boxes. Electrical equipment is best moved in its original packaging (especially if the original polystyrene supports are available) and secured with tape before the arrival of the moving team.
For Self-packing, packing materials can be supplied by Knightmovers on request. For a complete list see our packaging order form.
Lofts & Attics
Knightmovers can only enter your loft if it conforms to Health and Safety standards. So if your loft or attic has floorboards, lighting and secure access through the hatch we will be able to remove the contents for you. If not, please ensure that the loft or attic in your house is empty prior to the removal team arriving.
Contents of Garages, Workshops & Garden Sheds
Please ensure any rubbish is discarded and tools are clean. We cannot transport flammable substances such as tins of paint, paraffin, matches, gas bottles and similar items as this is not within the terms of our insurance cover.
Please securely seal any other containers or bottles with tape to prevent spillage. Anything that can be placed in a box should be, but please remember not to place too much weight in any one box.
Food cannot be placed into storage. When a direct removal from one home to another takes place, please ensure that any packets, jars, and screw top bottles are secured with tape. Frozen food cannot be transported and should be used or disposed of before moving day.
Defrost, thoroughly clean and dry your refrigerator and freezer, particularly if these are going into storage.
Removal into Storage
If you are moving your possessions into storage, please ensure that any personal documents are retained by yourself. This avoids any unnecessary opening of containers to search for any documents that are unexpectedly required. Extra care should be taken with appliances that will be stored for more than three months. Washing machines and dishwashers should be drained of surplus water as damp, mildew and seizure of component parts can occur when appliances are not used for a considerable length of time. Fridges and freezers need to be completely dry from cleaning before storage.